
Hemp Hard to Process? CBD Products are Still Easy to Buy!

Hemp Hard to Process? CBD Products are Still Easy to Buy!

Now that we’ve become an established CBD seller with a great catalog of products and a big customer base, we are proud to be on the forefront of an exciting new industry! These products are taking off in a big way, for a number of reasons – not least of them the many health and mental health benefits of a CBD routine.

There are some bottlenecks in CBD production, though. For example, what we've been hearing from some growers and processing companies in some states is that state rules and federal laws can make it hard to actually process their crops.

You might assume that it's because of existing controlled substance regulations, but that's not really the whole story. As legal hemp becomes regulated, there are issues with processing requirements that seem much more related to the logistics of making the plant into oils or other products.

What that translates into is that some growers have a hard time getting their crops to market. This is a kink that’s still being worked out of the system. Another one is people stealing plants out of fields, thinking that they can smoke them and get “high” with the effects of high THC. Because these are low-THC plants, that's not going to happen, but it still causes some loss in the growing industry.

The good news is that none of that affects you as a customer.

It might be difficult to process hemp, but it's not hard to buy our CBD products.

Just take a quick look at our e-commerce store, and you can find the gummies, oils, topicals and essential products you need to outfit your household with excellent CBD supplements and resources. This can help with all sorts of health and wellness programs for increasing the quality of life of anyone in your family, including your pets.

From our fully functional e-commerce site to our educational materials, we make it easy to wade into this new industry as a consumer, and get what you need to get started. Just take a look at the web site and you’ll see, it’s abundantly easy to order. Contact us with any questions! We want you and your family to enjoy the power of CBD for yourselves. 

Dec 15, 2020 Allison Waters

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